Why sustainable fashion cost a lot more?
the question that every now and then consumer thinks to themselves. And we don’t talk enough why is that. We so used to 5$ t-shirts that we don’t understand that in a fair world it’s impossible to manufacture a quality product for that price. In this cycle someone always pays much more. The other side of the cheap t-shirt is that a the quality of the product is horrible and it wont last two wores, someone behind the product got treated unfairly and now suffer on the other side of the world and to top all that we pollute our one and only home - earth.
So why does it cost much more?
🤍 quality materials cost, the better the quality the bigger the price. Yes you can find cheap linen for few bucks, but the composition includes plastics that totally changes linen properties and it becomes less sustainable.
🤍 manufacturing costs. we all want to get paid fairly for everything we do, so why this should be any different for clothing industry and especially seamstresses?
🤍 product treatment costs. washing, softening, ironing etc. that also costs money. Covering linen in colourful pattern in dyes that don’t damage the earth also has some extra costs.
🤍 and finally ideas costs. nobody talks about how many hours, how much material was used for testing and creating a product, not to mention the education, research, the thinking, sketching and so on.
Adding this up you get a solid price for a product. And if the price seems too little, just think about who in this cycle is suffering and not getting paid. Mostly all small business are working sustainably and not talking about this enough. But they put a lot more good energy and love into their product than a huge international brands, that sometimes just covers with few sustainable collections and continues manufacturing in unfair environment.🤍
the question that every now and then consumer thinks to themselves. And we don’t talk enough why is that. We so used to 5$ t-shirts that we don’t understand that in a fair world it’s impossible to manufacture a quality product for that price. In this cycle someone always pays much more. The other side of the cheap t-shirt is that a the quality of the product is horrible and it wont last two wores, someone behind the product got treated unfairly and now suffer on the other side of the world and to top all that we pollute our one and only home - earth.