How does sleep affect mental health?

How does sleep affect mental health?

Sleep is essential to survival as food and water. When we hit the sack, then our muscles and minds are relaxing. At the base of the brain, the brain stem communicates with the hypothalamus to control the transitions between wake and sleep (The brain stem includes the pons, medulla, and midbrain structures). The brain stem also plays a special role in REM sleep, because it sends signals to relax muscles essential for body posture and limb movements so that we don’t act out our dreams. For this reason, sleep, as a body and mind condition, influences mental health changes. 

At the beginning of the diseases

Sleep deprivation influences the amygdala, which is the emotional region of our brain. To make a long story short when we are sleep-deprived, then emotions can affect us. So, we get bigger emotional responses to the various events that we encounter in our daily lives, especially negative events. Lack of sleep can cause not only a bad mood in the morning but also anxiety, depression, panic attacks, anger, ADHD, etc. Namely, attention–deficit hyperactivity disorder is closely associated with deprivation of sleep. Usually, it gets in children between the ages of six and 17 years old. According to researchers, problems with sleep could be one symptom of ADHD.

During the pandemic of COVID – 19, the majority of people get problems with sleep and mental health. On the strength of Australian medical research about work productivity, not only for bed wearing pajamas is associated with mental health problems. According to the study, while working from home people who wore pajamas during the day at least one day a week faced mental health had declined. Therefore, might be better to wear sleepwear only before going to the bed. So, it is obvious, that combined reasons might affect our emotions and quality time of resting. Namely, improving the quality of your sleep can help us to be healthier not only physical but also emotional.

101 of sleep quality 

If we would like to avoid problems with mental health, it is a must to care for our sleep routine. At a first glance, it seems like it’s a child’s play. However, in this day and age, many people struggle with a faulty clock, suffer from nightmares and emotional memories. Because of that, we present you recommendations on how to improve your sleep without mental diseases:

  • Choose suitable sleepwear for instance linen pajamas;
  • Sleep in a place where is no lights;
  • Before going to the bed instead of online chatting have the journey through book pages;
  • Go to sleep at the same time each night, and get up at the same time each morning, even on the weekends;

For more tips to have a great night’s sleep, read our previous text.

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